Our Story
New Story Church is a group of people who are coming together to do church in a different way. We are from all walks of life and believe that it’s okay not to be okay. We come from diverse backgrounds, many races, and different journeys, but we believe that we are stronger together than we are by ourselves. We come together with our hopes, our dreams, our hurts, and our doubts.
Maybe you’ve never been to church, or haven’t been for a long time. Or maybe you’ve been hurt by a church. Maybe you’re just looking for a deeper connection with a church. We understand that. Most of our people are just like you. We’re a place where it’s okay to ask questions, and wonder, and search.
At New Story Church we don’t believe that there is anything that is off limits. We don’t believe in doing things just because “we’ve always done it that way.” Our only goal is to make a difference in the lives of those around us. We think this is best done by having real, relevant events that speak to the issues that we face every day. We believe strongly in helping the community through hands-on projects. And we believe that we have to do all we can to help prepare our children to face the challenges that the world throws at them.
We believe that at New Story Church you’ll find a warm atmosphere where you’ll feel right at home. No matter who you are. No matter what you’ve done. We’re New Story Church, and we’re different.
Our Core Values
We exist to help people have a New Story. Under the guidance of Jesus, we believe:
Everyone Is Welcome at New Story Church. Everyone.
We are open and accessible to everyone. This reminds us that New Story Church is for everyone, no matter what our past or present. It doesn’t mean that we agree with everything people do or that everything is acceptable in our church, but that we believe God wants us to minister to everyone God brings before us.We Won’t Wear Masks (figuratively speaking!).
We strive to be open and authentic in all that we do. We want the people of our church to feel like they can be themselves, warts and all. It’s okay to be broken at our church. We also want all of our interactions to be real and authentic. This means we will speak our minds and be upfront and honest with each other, always in a spirit of love.We Will Live Out Jesus’ Command to Love God and Our Neighbor.
This reminds us that we will always be a church that looks out and not just in. Loving God and our neighbor can take many forms – from telling others about Jesus, to giving them something to eat, to teaching their kids about God, to having classes to take us deeper in the faith. We will always be a church that has a bias towards action, especially in missions. We will go out and do, instead of sitting around talking about what we should do.We Will Keep It Simple.
By ‘simple’ we don’t mean easy or superficial. We believe that God’s message should always be presented in a way that everyone can understand. We would rather do a few things very well than a lot of things in a mediocre way. We also believe in the value of organizational simplicity. We will never bog ourselves down with needless committees or bureaucracy, but instead enable people to be on the front lines of making a difference.